
New members

Membership can be signed up for online and payment then sent over using the details below or you can download a membership form by clicking below.

Signup online

Download membership form (pdf)

All details on where to send membership forms to can be found on the form.

Renewing Members

If not already done so and are paying via standing order please set for November 1st each year.

If payment is done via other methods - please send November 1st each year.  

Membership Fees

Membership fees are per a year. 

A years adult membership is £15, renewing every November.  If you join mid year the amount to pay is the months left until November @ £1.25 per month.  After the initial payment please setup a standing order to pay annually on the 1st Nov (this makes our job much simplier!) 

If you are under 18 please contact us on before joining.

To set up your standing order, please email where our membership secretary will email you the account details.